
Granted by the programme Erasmus+ Key Action 2
Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education, supporting Innovation
Project n° 2019-1-FR01-KA203-062894

Coordonated by
Université Clermont Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Duration : October 2019
to August 2022

This project is driven by three overarching strategic objectives:

  • SO1: To provide a diagnosis of the current situation of dental education in Europe.
  • SO2: To enable a shared understanding and a common vision of Oral Health Professionals' Education priorities for the future among all European stakeholders and policymakers
  • SO3: To define priorities for a strategic vision and support changes for oral health professionals’ education in 2030.

Those strategic objectives will be attained through the production of 13 intellectual outputs. A Strategic Scoping for Evaluation of Oral Health Professionals' Education will be produced (O1). It will be based on a peer-reviewed literature and policy documentation review. This will give a clear and concise direction for the project.